Tuesday, June 14, 2005

No, Really.....

Well kids, the Apocalypse is upon us. Katie Holmes is converting to Scientology.

This is troubling to me for a number of reasons.

1) Katie is obviously in love with a gay man
2) I've heard of people converting to religions when they get married, but usually, they're some kind of a real religion.
3) Katie, you're not marrying 'Maverick'. Kenny Loggins is not coming to play at your wedding, and you won't fly off into the sunset in an F-14.
4) Again, even if he is famous-he's divorced twice already for a reason. He's F-ing crazy. Really, were you watching that debacle on Oprah? or not?


bevy said...

Divorced twice? This is news to me. Who was the other one besides Nicole?

LoneStarCupcake said...


Previously married to mimi rogers (remember Mrs. Kensington in Austin Powers?) Rather horsey.

Also wierd? As a kid he was studying for the seminary. Didn't give up catholicism til 1990 or so.

I always thought the guy was a short little freak.

bevy said...

Oh, wow. I didn't know this. Thanks for clarifying.

Yeah, Tom Cruise really makes me wonder.

Kara0303 said...

Sounds like a Highway to the Danger Zone to me! ( I couldn't resist, what with all of your other Top Gun analogies)

Sarah said...

OMG, Gordo, Kenny Loggins is totally going to play at my wedding. Great idea!