Thursday, June 16, 2005

I Should Have Stayed In Bed

I really should have figured it was going to be a bad day.

I left for work at the normal time this morning, only to arrive 20 minutes late b/c some idiot stalled in the center lane on the highway, backing traffic up about, oh, 5 miles. Nice work asshole.
Listen, if you want to have a crappy, unreliable car, or you are forced to by your economic situtaion, that's fine, I respect that, it's not easy for everyone. But you know what? Keep it on the side roads, not the highway. You don't need to hold up half of a damn city for this, do you?

After that, assorted garbage went down the tubes at work, mostly things that I am hesitant to discuss, based on the fact that I read a story about employers firing people for posting negative things about their employers on their own personal blogs. Let's just say that a few things happened that directly affected me today, that I can't say most would think to be fair, and leave it at that.

Sadly, this is all I can post right now with my energy level being what it is. I saw Batman Begins tonight, and it was spectacular. I mean, really a good film, the best of the 5 Batman movies if you ask me. It was much darker, and much less cartoonish than the other ones. Katie Holmes wasn't even that bad, but, sadly, she's decided that she'd like to committ a massive career suicide via Tom "Crazy Cult Leader" Cruise. Seriously, what would Dawson say?

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