Friday, June 10, 2005

Again, Nothing, but at Least its Friday

I'll be starting a new feature here, that will be of NO interest to anyone reading. The official Vegas countdown. Why? Because I have nothing else to look forward to between now and Vegas, unless you count the continuation of Wedding Carousel 2005, which continues this weekend in downtown Cleveland. Hopefully I won't pass out in the cab on the way home from the reception, but the odds on this happening are pretty high based on some of the people that will be at this thing, and they're ability to be total enablers (Steph).

I totally missed "Hit Me Baby One More Time" Last night, but it's on TiVo so I'm sure I'll get to it this weekend, but it looks like Sarah already covered it better than I ever could, so I might not have much to say, other than some comment on Vanilla Ice winning, which to me is the most amazing thing ever.

Also, one item of note, as much as I hate working, I heart coming to work on Fridays because there are about 8 people in my office and it's so much more laid back. It's gotten to the point where I can actually listen to the radio on the internet (Launchcast, thank you for having a good alternative station with no commercials. Amazing) and we actually get things done.

By the way- Buttons on the cuffs of my shirt: Why do you pop off of my shirt just because I tugged on the cuff to pull it back down my wrist a little bit. I understand that I'm not the classiest person in the world, but I prefer not to walk around wearing a shirt that looks like it was purchased at a garage sale. Anyone know how to sew? Look me up...seriously.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gibby, buttons are easy. You just have to go around and around, maybe in a x shape, but the trick is loop in through the back a few times for security of some crap like that.

I'll have to watch it on tivo too. Obviously I missed it, and I really like that show.