Thursday, June 23, 2005

I Really Am Out of It

I must have really not been paying attention to my entertaiment and gossip sites.

Apparently Martha Stewart is taking over The Apprentice. Are you serious??? How did I miss this? Sadly, she's not releasing her "You're fired"-type catch phrase. I mean really, Marth f-ing Stewart? Was Katie Couric not available? What are the challenges going to be? Create fun and festive tableclothes? Design gift baskets for the poor? Perform successful insider trading deals without getting caught? Save Kmart from bankruptcy? Not that I watched the show before b/c I thought it was ridiculous, but come on.....

I think the catch phrase should be something along the lines of "Go Directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200" or...."Looks like you'll still be shopping at Kmart" while she smiles into the camera like a dope...

1 comment:

The Hatleyman said...

No cookies and milk for you!

Kind of like the Soup Nazi?