Thursday, November 30, 2006

Really? Seriously?

So, two posts in one day? That makes sense. Okay, no, it doesn't

I'm inconsistent. It's kind of fun that way.

So, THIS is how my day is going.

In the interest of being somewhat studious, I decided to come over to campus early today to finish up that paper I mentioned earlier. Coming to school during the day means parking off campus, as I have a restricted pass.

Well, shit, it's been 60 degrees and nice all week in Cleveland, so, no big deal. In fact, it was so nice out that I wore flip flops, and left my jacket in the car, figuring I'd get it later when I left to go get dinner.

Sadly, I didn't account for Mother Nature, and God's general dislike for me.
I finished what needed to be done in less than three hours. That's the good news. The bad news is, I'm hungry, it's dropped 20 degrees, and it's raining HARD here around campus. So instead, I'm stuck blogging. And pouting.

If I wasn't having a moderately annoying last 3 or 4 days, I'd probably just curse, and be done with it. As it is, I'm almost annoyed enough to just laugh, b/c really, who else would this happen to? At least there's a bunch of loud, inconsiderate undergrads in here that won't shut up so that I can ward off the headache I feel coming. I'm really old, you guys. Seriously.

Eff it, I don't care if I get sick, I want pizza.

Sometimes, I Confuse Even Myself.....

I'm really starting to think that I might be going through menopause or some crap like that. I've been as moody as anything lately. All week I've been in a moderately good mood. Today, I'm in a "hate everyone, hate myself, hate ice cream" kind of mood.

Okay, well not ice cream, b/c NOBODY hates ice cream. There's two reasons for the mass obesity in this country, folks, and their names are Ben and Jerry.

Seriously though, I'm just angry today. And apparently, with me, anger breeds apathy. I have this paper, 20% of my finance grade worth of it, to complete, and it's due today, and I have no interest whatsoever in finishing it all of a sudden.

Maybe it's b/c I've suddenly had to shift my focus from job searching to actually graduating. I can line up all the jobs I want, but if I tank between now and December 20th or whatever, then it doesnt' mean a whole heck of a lot. And, knowing me, that's totally plausible.

Maybe if I eat some ice cream for breakfast, I'll feel better.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A Few Thoughts on A Lot O'Stuff

Sadly, I haven't had much of interest, at least not anything really funny, going on around here lately, so the blog has been lacking for material. For that, I apologize. I really like writing here, I do, I promise, but I just feel like I have no direction lately with it. So, seeing as how I lack the gusto (did I just use that word? Oh well, the delete key is for pansies, so it sticks) to hammer out a real post, here's a bunch of little thoughts:

Once you get to 27 and a half, (listen, I can hear 30 knocking on the door, I know it's coming, so I'm measuring every step carefully) multiple consecutive days of even moderate drinking can really break you down. Somehow, I found it within me to have at least one drink everyday from last Tuesday through this past Sunday. Needless to say, I went to bed a little after 11 on Sunday, and slept STRAIGHT THROUGH to 10 AM on Monday.

My professor asked me after class last night to stay for a second. Has this ever actually worked out well for anyone? The stay after class request?? Well, for once, it may have. He wanted to give me a contact on a marketing job with a manufacturing company that a colleague had asked him if he knew anyone for. So, we'll see where that leads. I'm learning the lesson about getting my hopes up. As in, don't.

The Browns are AWFUL. I mean painfully bad. Sunday against Cincy was so bad that I sent Drew and Tony (who were, bless their souls, at the game) that said "I have a new idea for a website:" Yeah, that's Josh Cribbs, the Browns kick returner/Former QB at Kent State. And, really, it didn't seem like that bad of an idea after the 3rd interception. By the fourth one, I was practically ready to run home to register the domain name.

In fact, the Browns are so bad that some of us have taken to going to Johnny Malloy's on Sundays, so that we can watch other games as well, and maybe see what a REAL professional football team is supposed to look like. Oh, right, and they have $5 medium pizzas, which are quite good. I got mine with pepperoni and bacon. And I did NOT eat the whole thing myself, I did share. In fact, when mine came first, I told Bob and Carrie to go ahead and grab a slice if they wanted. Of course, Carrie misunderstood this to mean "Go ahead and take some before I even get my first slice out of there" But whatever.

By the end of this week, I will most likely have super terrific carpal tunnel syndrome from all the papers I'm writing. Blogging and emailing all day probably doesn't help that, huh?

I put in a request for a new computer desk for Christmas from the parents this year. This one is a mess, it's too small, and it's falling apart. The keyboard shelf falls down at least once a day, and I smashed my toe once with it. Super.
Plus, perhaps I'll be motivated to actually clean this one up if I have to clean it off to throw it out.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Some more music for you....

Well, you guys know I'm always looking and tracking down new stuff to listen to.
So, of course, here's some of what I'm tuning into these days.

Fall Out Boy - This Ain't a Scene it's an Arms Race
Incubus - Anna Molly
Lily Allen - Smile
+ 44 - When Your Heart Stops Beating
Cartel - Honestly
Angels and Airwaves- The War

So, check them out, if you can get them. It's a short list, but it's all good stuff, I think....

Friday, November 17, 2006

It's 10:24 AM and....

Michigan still SUCKS!

Go Buckeyes! Only 20 hours till we leave for Columbus for the big game.....

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Somethings just ain't right....

Where I come from, there are certain things you don't do. Now of course, some items are more severe than others. In fact, I'd imagine that in most cases, a simple 10-point scale could be used to rate most of these things, as far as severity. Let's look at some examples, keeping in mind that a 1 is "not really a big deal" to 10 being "holy shit that isn't really happening":

For example, here's how some things would play out on this hypothetical scale

1- Lying to your friend about having a quarter b/c you're saving it to play Ms. Pac-Man.
2- Cheating on a test
3- Burping in front of a girl on the first date
4- Leaving the door open while you pee
5- Using the bathroom, not washing your hands
6- Using the bathroom, not washing your hands, and shaking hands with your girlfriends father
7- Stealing from the homeless
8- Sleeping with your friends ex-girlfriend
9 Sleeping with your friends mom
9.5 Beating up a girl
10 Giving O.J. Simpson a two part special titled "If I Did it, Here's How it Happened"

Well played Fox News, well played.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Almost another full week of me being MIA from this thing. It's all about dedication over here. Sometimes, I kind of question myself on whether I should keep this up or not. It seems like a lot of the times, there's no reason to do so. Like I spend a lot of time complaining about things, and really, who wants to read that?
Sadly, it seems a lot lately, that I've been having "one of those days (weeks, months, whatever)" where things in general just don't feel that great. I'm not sure if its' b/c of the six months or so that I've been more or less removed from society, or something more than that, or if I'm just a negative person. (Shut it, you guys, really)

Realistically, you'd think that being only a few weeks away from finishing a challenging MBA program before my 28th birthday, the prospect of finding a new job, and the money and such that comes along with it, would be enough to pick me up, and make me feel pretty good, right? Hm, No. I'm in a rut, and it sucks. And it's also of my own doing, so I really don't ahve any right to complain, correct?

At least there's a guy out there much less cool than me

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Well, I promised.....

I promised we'd stop being all deep and thinky around here, b/c well, that's not what we (okay, I) really do well. So, in honor of the Cavs win in the opener (a 97-94 win over the Wiz) I found the interviews with the different LeBron characters on YouTube. I don't know if the kid one is complete, but it's the best I could find.

I think Wise LeBron is my favorite

Business LeBron is good too though....

Kid LeBron is also classic

And the Real LeBron....a little more serious...