Tuesday, January 31, 2006

More 24......More Jack...Please....

Jack Bauer Official Terrorist Kill Count: 7 (still)
Jack Bauer Amazing Non-Muderous Beatings: 1 (give or take)

All I can say regarding last nights' 24: Wow. That show never ceases to amaze me. The strange part was, at about the 40 minute mark of the hour, Woody was like "dude nothing is happening in this episode". Then Aaron (the secret service head who is now my new favorite fringe character) sneaks Jack in to see the president and Jack subsequently beat the bejesus out of Walt. I really thought Jack was going to cut one of his eyes out. He looked friggin possessed. Amazing. I expect a pretty good sized killing spree by Jack within the next two episodes. Also, Kim should be back anytime now, which I am looking forward too, just too see what stupid stunt she might manage to pull.

Grey's Annatomy: To echo Sarah's sentiment, Izzy has a kid??? WTF? And really, what is a Code Black?
Well, I did a little research, and via ask.com, found that a code black may have something to do with a bomb or arson threat. How that factors into the episode, I don't know, but I wonder if it has something to do with the nursing strike.

I read my last post over again, and I realized that I'm a really depressing person to be around lately. Thanks to everybody that threw a comment up there in some show of support, I do appreciate that.
It's a wierd situation for me to be in, simply because I'm not angry at her, and I've managed to convince myself of the reasons she's not here right now, that I don't even think she fully understands and that she's going to sort them out over the next few months and be back. I'm also convinced that I may be delusional, and in need of some kind of drugs to balance out my brain. So it's one or the other.

Also, three days later, I'm convinced that while margaritas from Crazy Rita's are quite tasty, they are not so much good for the "making me feel sober on Sunday morning" part of my life. However, they were very good, and the crowd in there was also very good, so I think I'd like to go back sometime soon.

Everyone sold on that? Good.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Warning! This Isn't Even Close to Funny

So I kept trying to come up with something at least moderately worth posting today, but couldn't seem to shake of the Debbie Downer mode that I woke up in this morning for anything.

Maybe it's the fact that my furnace contiunes to move between not running, or running continuously, thereby leaving my apartment temperature fluctuating betwee 55 degrees and 70 degrees all night.

Maybe it's the snow. Or the cold I can feel coming on just in time for the weekend.

Maybe it's the fact that I'm desperately in need of a job that stimulates my mind and actually challenges some of the talents that I seem to be wasting as I sit here blogging about nothing whatsoever.

Maybe it's the stupid dream I had last night whereby Megan calls me, tells me that said "guy that she says she wasn't dating but is almost certainly seeing now" is no longer in the picture, that she made a mistake, and wants to fix stuff up. Better yet, it's probably waking up, realizing that if reality is the zip code I live in here in Ohio, then that dream is residing somewhere in a zip code on the moon, providing the moon actually had f'ing zip codes.

Then again, it's probably mostly that I feel sad and pathetic for not being able to just put the whole thing in the past, chalk it up as a learning experience, and get on with things. We ended things over 3 weeks ago, talked once about 2 weeks ago, and haven't had so much of a correspondance since, save for a couple of forwards she sent me a couple days after that conversation.

If anything, shouldn't letting go of the whole damn thing be easy, considering I definitely feel like I was the one who was wronged? Don't get me wrong, I made my mistakes too, but it was her call to bring someone else into the situation, and take things the direction they went. If that's what I believe, then why do I want anything to do with her?

It's like having your favorite team make the playoffs, only to blow it every year. You think this year is the one, that it will be different than all the other seasons that let you down, that the little flaws will be overshadowed by the ways that they are superior in every way, then, when you least expect it, you get completely f'ing blindsided with some kind of monumental let down. And yet, despite feeling cheated, betrayed, and completely screwed over, you keep coming back for more.

Trust me, I don't get it either. Again, I'm pathetic.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I'd Post From Home, but I can't type with Mittens on....

Jack Bauer Official Terrorist Kill Count: 7

Temperature in my apartment this morning 56 degrees.

I have to say I was a little disappointed that there was only one terrorist that bit it last night. But at least Jack stabbed the guy in the neck with a pair of surgical scissors, just to make sure it was one of the more violent kills in the history of 24.

I'd have to say it ranks right up there with the end of Season 2, when Jack grabs a guy from behind, runs up a wall and jumps off of it, snapping his neck.

The funny part is, when the guy who was sent to kill Jack came through security at CTU, Drew and I both said "Yeah, that guy is definitely not killing Jack".

Oh yeah, my furnace, still not fixed. I'm beginging to wonder if my electric bill will end up being higher than my gas bill thanks to the copious use of space heaters.

Also, I just realized my birthday is only 6 weeks away. Hello, old age. Okay, seriously I'll only be 27, but I cna retire anytime now, I get the message, work is lame. Maybe I could just marry a rich girl and live the high life for a few years......

Monday, January 23, 2006

Words Can't Describe The Joy

I don't know what to say. The Buttafuocos and Amy Fisher are going to have a televised reunion.

Please please please please tell me that Jerry Springer will be the host of this glorious event.

I promise that there will be a running diary of this, and it will be ridiculous.

Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, and he has a sick sick sick sense of humor.

This is going straight to the top of "Save Until I Delete" status of my TiVo. Foreva....

And Yet My Apartment Continues to Mock Me.....

Apparently, I should be getting the message that my apartment doesn't want me there anymore.

Yes, you heard that right, it's not my landlord, or my neighbors, or anyone that I'm having a problem with. It's the actual, physical structure trying to evict me. Now, I live in the top half of a double, and like most houses in the area, it's a bit older, but for the most part, all of the appliances are under 7 years old, the windows are newer, and it's in "relatively" good shape.

However, there have been some small....issues in the last few weeks. First, about a month ago, my shower stopped kicking out hot water. Now, this wouldn't be a big deal if I was still with Megan, for I could have just gone to her house and showered. As it was, I was stuck going over to Drew's for about, oh, 4 straight days to shower, which is a mild inconvience for him, and very annoying for me. So my landlord had a plumber come and "fix" it, which lasted all of, oh 2 weeks. Then I got a blast of cold water again one morning last week. Awesome.

Then, last week, I woke up one morning and it was 52 degrees in my apartment. Now, this would be fine if my thermostat wasn't set at 64!!! That's quite a little shock when you first get out of bed, where you've been wrapped in two blankets and buried your head inside a pile of pillows.

Oh wait, so of course, the week my furnace goes out, my landlord is OUT OF TOWN!! Awesome. Hey, at least it wasn't the dead of friggin winter. By the time Thursday night rolled around last week, my thermostat said my house was at 50 degrees, but I think that's only b/c that's as low as the little digital number goes. Thankd god for space heaters.
So my landlord has that fixed, said there was a faulty switch down in the basement. And it was working yesterday, most of the day, while I was gone. Then last night, I get home, and it's a little cold. I play with it a bit, and it kicks on, and is running when I go to bed.

Today, I wake up, and it's IN THE DAMN 50s. Again. Seriously. Couple that with the fact that I have a sore back and legs from flag football this weekend, (Yes middle age, I can hear you quietly making your way up my block, F you.) And this is not good times. I'm stiff enough as it is without having that going on.

Okay, granted the back thing may or may not be related to an unplanned headstand that I did after we failed to convert a fourth down and I was on the ground, and tried to flip over, but didn't, and I'm sure I looked at least mostly ridiculous, but you'll have that. Especially with me.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Counting, Unmotivated, and Small Handed

I must say, there's something about a snow storm that brings out the lazy in me.

Okay, that's not really fair. There's something about daylight that also brings out the lazy in me. And darkness, and television. Alright, F it, I'm generally not the most motivated of people.

Nevertheless, sitting in my office (cubicle), watching it pile up in the parking lot, knowing that my 25 minute drive home is gradually morphing into an hour and a half swerve and bitchfest, isn't great for the work ethic.

Add to that that I feel even more lazy because I've decided to take a(nother) break from school. The truth is, I don't feel as bad about this for a couple of different reasons. First off, with my employer now moving to not pay for school anymore, unless I'm willing to sign a 2 year committment to them post graduation, I'm in a position to pay for it myself or get financial aid. Secondly, I wasn't 100% sure I wanted to finish my MBA, once I got further into the process, and was thinking about switching to the Masters in PR and corporate communications. Third, going through the whole breakup and "what am I going to do with my life" questions that invariably arrise, I felt like the wise thing to do would be to give myself some time to make a better decision.

Also, I noticed that when I logged in, that I was at 150 posts. That's not too bad considering:

1) I started this thing less than a year ago
2) I went a good two to three months without posting more than one time a month (see above referrence to being lazy)
3) I'm generally boring and have little to say.....

Oh, and the small hands thing....you guys will appreciate this....

Our winter football league starts up this weekend. Now, of the three times a year we play football, winter is by far the most brutal. It's cold, you can barely run, the fields are frozen and trashed, and you can barely hang on to the ball. I didn't have this blog last year during winter football, but if I had, you would have heard me bitching up a storm about not being able to throw, mostly due to frozen hands on a frozen football that my hands are barely large enough to grip on a 70 degree day.

Well, I've remedied that. I bought a youth sized football, you know, so I can hold on to it.......

I'll give you a minute to clean up whatever liquid you just spit all over your screen.

Done? Good

Listen, the damn ball is intended to be used by youths from 14-15. Well guess what, I stopped growing (taller and or longer) at 16. Don't worry, I can still get fatter, not that kind of growing. And it's not like I was a big kid to begin with, so when I maxed out at five foot ten with hands roughly the size of an above average 7th grade girl, well you can see where I sometimes have problems gripping the ball. I'm sure the ball will still ice up, slip out of my hands, and I'll still flip out about it, don't worry, I'll come through for you......

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The returns of Jack, and other miscellaneous....

Jack Bauer Terrorist Kill Count: 6 (including the guy who's bomb he exploded with his cell phone)

It's official. I have a very sustained man crush on one Jack Bauer. Holy effing crap, I don't want to ruin the 24 season permiere, figuring that there may be some people who haven't seen it, or some people waiting to watch it by way of the TiVo or otherwise. I'm also sure that there are some of you that aren't watching, and refuse to watch, and don't want to get caught up in it. Let me just say, that if you are in that group, Jack will come for you, and you will watch that show. And you will love it.

And you will tell Jack what he needs to know, it's just a question of how much you want it to hurt. (Honestly that may have been my favorite quote. Ever.)

The hard part now is going to be waiting for 7 more days for anything to happen on that show. That's going to require a lot of patience, something that I lack on every possible level.

Other notes from the weekend:

I hate the Steelers. A lot. The fact that they are still in the playoffs makes me want to superglue my hand to a hot iron.

I don't care what anyone says, I never want any part of a shot called "The Circle Jerk" again.

I'm learning, the hard way, that I just flat out can't go out drinking 2 or 3 nights in a row and expect to feel any level of healthy or well rested come the first day of a new work week.

Also, strangely enough, I thought I'd have gotten used to sleeping alone again, but there are nights where it still feels wierd. I still get all the covers to myself, and don't get yelled at for snoring, so I guess it's a trade off.

Thanks to the glory of Sirius, I've discovered Panic! At the Disco....they're worth checking out, but I'm not sure if I even like them enough to be obsessed. I need more convincing

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

You Know You're Old When......

You find out that Michael J Fox is 44 years old.

This is what I get for reading articles about Boston Legal. I mean seriously, look at the picture, does the man look 44 to you?

There should be some kind of rule that the person who played Marty McFly, AND Alex P Keaton shouldn't be allowed to age past 25. And even that's pushing it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely looking forward to the episodes that he's going to be in, but like he says, the Parkinson's makes it hard for him to work much, which is kind of sad in a way, b/c if you ask me, the fact that they could have a Growing Pains reunion movie, and no Family Ties movie? Garbage.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Damnit Howard.....

I'm truly annoyed right now. Sirius online is apparently unavailable, a phenomena I can only attribute to the fact that Stern is on right now doing his first show, and that the Sirius website doesn't have enough bandwidth to support all the people who are trying to listen. Hell, I could care less if I listen to Howard now or not, I just wanted to listen to some music while I sit here at work.

Also, doesn't it figure that with all the Browns' fans rooting for them, the Bengals lose Carson Palmer, and the game? Sorry Bengals fans, we shouldn't have done that to you....

Friday, January 06, 2006

By the way, I'm rooting for the Bengals......

I almost forgot all about this....

So the Sports Guy is picking the Bengals to beat the Steelers, and he's usually pretty dead on about this kind of thing, especially the playoffs. You can read why he thinks Cincy will win here.

I bring this up for a reason. Somebody asked me the other day "Do you hate the Steelers' more now since M was a huge Steelers' fan and she pretty much killed you?"

I had to think about that for a minute.

See, I'm a Browns fan, so obviously, I've always hated them. When I was dating her, we put a pretty good lid on our hatred for each others teams. Us getting our asses handed to us on a regular basis, well that helped her obviously.

Then I did some thinking about it, and kind of analyzed it, and realized that she really parrallels alot about the Steelers, and their fans....

1) Steelers fans are incredibly smug for a group of people who haven't accomplished anything in 25 years. For example, M was born in August of 1980, 7 months after the Steelers won their last Super Bowl. They've been back since, but played most of that game with their hands wrapped around their own necks. Let's be realistic about this, if they were a baseball team, they'd be the Atlanta Braves, and even they've won a World Series.

2) Most of them possess poor decision making skills. This again reflects the team, and the fans. Really, has anyone ever watched them against a compentant playoff opponent? They spend most of the time looking like they just came out of a coma. Did anyone watch the Ben Roethlisberger meltdown last year? They won their one game in spite of him, and then New England dismantled him. The parallel? M broke up with me for some guy who showed up for their company Christmas party looking like he was dressed for the 9th grade dance. My 9th grade dance. That was 10 years ago, if you're counting, and I swear he stole a shirt out of my closet from that era. That's like saying "Thanks for offering me this nice, clean Nissan Maxima, but the old guy down the street said I could have his rusted out 10 speed, I figure that should work just fine"

3) One word: Overrated. Really, Hines Ward? You're good, you play hard, and you even make some plays. But holding out for T.O or Randy Moss money? Guess what, you aren't even the best receiver in your own division. Let me introduce you to Chad Johnson. Oh, and Braylon will probably be passing you up in about 2 years, barring his health.
Summarily, Steelers fans overrate themselves. Here's a hint, showing up drunk off Iron City Beer, screaming racial slurs, and threatening to sexually assault female Browns fans doesn't make you the best fans in the league. It makes you drunken white trash.

I like gadgets as much as the next guy but....

I think even I could live without this.

Seriously, that's a little to Sci-fi for me. Unless this thing can get me into the liquor store after hours, I don't want to hear about it.


Actually, I just couldn't come up with a title for this post, primarily b/c I'm, you know, not creative. I figured I should name it something 3 related, since this is the third, THE THIRD! day in a row that I've posted something. I guess angst, and moderate depression, along with a light workload, make for easier blogging.

The thing that drives me nuts is that I was out for 10 days. Ten. And somehow, I have less work to do. Half of the files I was working on just completely disappeared. I'm doing my best to try and stay busy, cross every T, dot every I, if you will, but it's pretty bad. I've played more Sudoku than I can even keep track of, which can't be a good thing.

Fortunately, I have my Sirius and ESPN radio logins, so I have something to listen to while I'm sitting around. Unfortunately Sirius's AltNation is apparently having Chirs Martin's love-child, b/c I hear Coldplay at least once every 7 songs.

Speaking of him, I heard that they were going to name their next baby Plum? What the F? was Watermelon already taken? Oh, right, they're, you know........I'll just leave that one out there for interpretation.......

I have a feeling I'll post again today when something more ridiculous strikes me, since I'm sure I'll have plenty of time.....

Thursday, January 05, 2006


So I figured, as long as I was going to start doing this on a semi-regular basis again, that it was time to revamp this bitch. You know, put some air in the tires, give it a new paint job, clean it up a little. Besides, they say when you go through a break up, you usually take a step back, make some changes, you know, adjust your life a little.

For now, I'll be dealing strictly with the superficial type stuff, like changing my blog template.

Sadly, I doubt one of those changes will be this blog becomming more interesting. I'd have to start being an interesting person in order for that to happen.

Other superficial changes in the works? TiVo.
Goodbye: The OC
Hello: The Office, and My Name is Earl.

That's better.

Also, I linkified up some new stuff down there around the bottom, so we'll see if those even work or not. Additionally, if I had you linked before, and not now, it's because I forgot to save all my other linked blogs when I changed templates. Again, I'm not smart.

One final thought for the morning. Once you reach adulthood, you know if you have a hard to pronounce last name or not. Stop getting upset when someone makes an honest effort and then butchers it. You sound like a baby.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Really, Can Anyone Kick a Field Goal?

Holy crap you guys, I'm seriously exhausted today. I managed to stay awake for the entire Penn State/Florida State game last night, which may have been a mistake. What the heck was I doing up till 1 AM on a school night? Beats me. Actually, it boils down to a few things. 1) I grew up in PA, so I have a certain affinity for PSU, even though I've lived in Ohio for 8 looong years. 2) It was a really good game, close all the way through, both teams having their chances to land a knockout blow, both bouncing back up off the mat every time they got knocked down. There weren't a lot of points in the second half, but a lot of really good defensive plays. And 3) By the time PSU's kicker missed that kick at the end of regulation, it was already 12:15, I had already invested 4+ hours of my time into that game, and I wasn't about to miss the ending. However, the barrage of missed kicks was killing me. I wasn't expecting 3 friggin OTs, that's all I'm saying.

Also, I just read news that Arrested Development is getting it's 3rd season cut short, and that it's probably not going to be renewed by FOX. That makes sense. It's won like 6 Emmys and a Golden Globe, and isn't written on a third grade level. Jason Bateman (the star) said "Maybe the Bluths just aren't that relateable" Right. Well apparently America can relate to Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie enough to watch them whore-dumbing it up on TV for what 3, 4 years now? Thanks a lot FOX, way to drive another good show into the ground. But hey, can't wait for Skating with Celebrities. Morons.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

It's Been 30 Days but I've lost 130 Lbs of Disloyalty

Hey kids. No updates for a while, huh? What, no one's reading? Fine, F you guys then.

Let's do the quick and easy things first.

Got Sirius satelitte radio from the birth givers for Christmas. Promptly found a new love. It's called Jim Breuer's radio show on one of the comedy channels. If you don't appreciate Breuer, then you've never been drunk, or listened to AC/DC. Especially together.

I chalked up a solid A- in my latest grad school endeavor, thus maximizing the possibilities that I will keep finding ways to get better grades while doing less work.

As massively overrated as I believe New Years to be, (I already have enough "let's get drunk" holidays, thank you very much.) this year was good. Combine 30 of the closest, 50$ for open bar, Sarah in a sombrero, and "making a new friend" and all in all, not a bad night.

Besides, open bar means never having to say "ohmygodwhatdidIjustdo" after ordering 25 Jeagerbombs.

In referrence to the aforementioned "new friend" Some may be asking what happened to the old friend (M). Weellllllllll funny story about that. Apparently her definition of a committed relationship included the collorary "having a guy I work with that I've known for six weeks stay at my one bedroom house more than once after drinking and not mentioning it/clearing it with you, my boyfriend."

Unfortunately for her, I didn't so much agree to those terms.

She continues to hold to the belief that she didn't cheat on me. If by cheating she means she never "f'ed him on a gaming table"*, then she is telling the truth. She doesn't have a gaming table. She probably never touched him, but still, you gotta draw the line somewhere, and that was just shady. Even worse? Dudes a terrible a dresser. I met the guy once at a Christmas party her company threw, and he showed up in an wrinkled shirt with a button down collar. If that's what she wants, she can have it. I just want my Nintendo back. Seriously. If I ever find out that that guy has even touched my copy of Super Mario 3, I will literally bind them with the controllers and feed them every component of that system. That's the mature way of dealing with it, right?