Tuesday, January 03, 2006

It's Been 30 Days but I've lost 130 Lbs of Disloyalty

Hey kids. No updates for a while, huh? What, no one's reading? Fine, F you guys then.

Let's do the quick and easy things first.

Got Sirius satelitte radio from the birth givers for Christmas. Promptly found a new love. It's called Jim Breuer's radio show on one of the comedy channels. If you don't appreciate Breuer, then you've never been drunk, or listened to AC/DC. Especially together.

I chalked up a solid A- in my latest grad school endeavor, thus maximizing the possibilities that I will keep finding ways to get better grades while doing less work.

As massively overrated as I believe New Years to be, (I already have enough "let's get drunk" holidays, thank you very much.) this year was good. Combine 30 of the closest, 50$ for open bar, Sarah in a sombrero, and "making a new friend" and all in all, not a bad night.

Besides, open bar means never having to say "ohmygodwhatdidIjustdo" after ordering 25 Jeagerbombs.

In referrence to the aforementioned "new friend" Some may be asking what happened to the old friend (M). Weellllllllll funny story about that. Apparently her definition of a committed relationship included the collorary "having a guy I work with that I've known for six weeks stay at my one bedroom house more than once after drinking and not mentioning it/clearing it with you, my boyfriend."

Unfortunately for her, I didn't so much agree to those terms.

She continues to hold to the belief that she didn't cheat on me. If by cheating she means she never "f'ed him on a gaming table"*, then she is telling the truth. She doesn't have a gaming table. She probably never touched him, but still, you gotta draw the line somewhere, and that was just shady. Even worse? Dudes a terrible a dresser. I met the guy once at a Christmas party her company threw, and he showed up in an wrinkled shirt with a button down collar. If that's what she wants, she can have it. I just want my Nintendo back. Seriously. If I ever find out that that guy has even touched my copy of Super Mario 3, I will literally bind them with the controllers and feed them every component of that system. That's the mature way of dealing with it, right?


bevy said...

It's good to hear from you again. Happy New Year. I agree, there are plenty of other holidays and/or reasons to get plastered drunk.

Yeah, what M did def sounds fishy. I guess you did the right thing.

Sarah said...

Oh boy-the sombrero. Yikes.

M can EAC, Gordo!