Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Counting, Unmotivated, and Small Handed

I must say, there's something about a snow storm that brings out the lazy in me.

Okay, that's not really fair. There's something about daylight that also brings out the lazy in me. And darkness, and television. Alright, F it, I'm generally not the most motivated of people.

Nevertheless, sitting in my office (cubicle), watching it pile up in the parking lot, knowing that my 25 minute drive home is gradually morphing into an hour and a half swerve and bitchfest, isn't great for the work ethic.

Add to that that I feel even more lazy because I've decided to take a(nother) break from school. The truth is, I don't feel as bad about this for a couple of different reasons. First off, with my employer now moving to not pay for school anymore, unless I'm willing to sign a 2 year committment to them post graduation, I'm in a position to pay for it myself or get financial aid. Secondly, I wasn't 100% sure I wanted to finish my MBA, once I got further into the process, and was thinking about switching to the Masters in PR and corporate communications. Third, going through the whole breakup and "what am I going to do with my life" questions that invariably arrise, I felt like the wise thing to do would be to give myself some time to make a better decision.

Also, I noticed that when I logged in, that I was at 150 posts. That's not too bad considering:

1) I started this thing less than a year ago
2) I went a good two to three months without posting more than one time a month (see above referrence to being lazy)
3) I'm generally boring and have little to say.....

Oh, and the small hands guys will appreciate this....

Our winter football league starts up this weekend. Now, of the three times a year we play football, winter is by far the most brutal. It's cold, you can barely run, the fields are frozen and trashed, and you can barely hang on to the ball. I didn't have this blog last year during winter football, but if I had, you would have heard me bitching up a storm about not being able to throw, mostly due to frozen hands on a frozen football that my hands are barely large enough to grip on a 70 degree day.

Well, I've remedied that. I bought a youth sized football, you know, so I can hold on to it.......

I'll give you a minute to clean up whatever liquid you just spit all over your screen.

Done? Good

Listen, the damn ball is intended to be used by youths from 14-15. Well guess what, I stopped growing (taller and or longer) at 16. Don't worry, I can still get fatter, not that kind of growing. And it's not like I was a big kid to begin with, so when I maxed out at five foot ten with hands roughly the size of an above average 7th grade girl, well you can see where I sometimes have problems gripping the ball. I'm sure the ball will still ice up, slip out of my hands, and I'll still flip out about it, don't worry, I'll come through for you......

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Whoa I love this youth sized football thing. This will definitely help me hang on to the ball. Is it pink? Gordo I have never noticed your freakishly small hands before. I will need to inspect these when I see you next. Mine are tiny, tiny, tiny, but then again I am female.