Friday, January 06, 2006


Actually, I just couldn't come up with a title for this post, primarily b/c I'm, you know, not creative. I figured I should name it something 3 related, since this is the third, THE THIRD! day in a row that I've posted something. I guess angst, and moderate depression, along with a light workload, make for easier blogging.

The thing that drives me nuts is that I was out for 10 days. Ten. And somehow, I have less work to do. Half of the files I was working on just completely disappeared. I'm doing my best to try and stay busy, cross every T, dot every I, if you will, but it's pretty bad. I've played more Sudoku than I can even keep track of, which can't be a good thing.

Fortunately, I have my Sirius and ESPN radio logins, so I have something to listen to while I'm sitting around. Unfortunately Sirius's AltNation is apparently having Chirs Martin's love-child, b/c I hear Coldplay at least once every 7 songs.

Speaking of him, I heard that they were going to name their next baby Plum? What the F? was Watermelon already taken? Oh, right, they're, you know........I'll just leave that one out there for interpretation.......

I have a feeling I'll post again today when something more ridiculous strikes me, since I'm sure I'll have plenty of time.....

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