Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Mostly Something About Nothing....

Now, not that I'm complaining or anything, but how did Cleveland go from "mid spring 50-60 degrees out" weather to "holy crap it's summer and it's 95 out" in the span of a few days? Granted I'm not too worried about it thanks to the glorious advent of A/C in my office, car, and home. Honestly, how people survived before us without air conditioning is beyond me. I don't care what anyone says about how spoiled my generation is....if not wanting to sweat through my sheets, stick to my car's leather interior, or smell like a stable from sweating for 53 straight hours is "spoiled" then sign me up for being a spoiled little bitch.

I went to a comedy club last night with a few of my friends, and it was a pretty good show. All 3 of the guys were pretty entertaining, and of course there were the standard number of Parma, OH jokes that we seem to get from at least one comedian each time they come through here. I don't get it. Is Parma that well known of a place that people who live in different states know of it, and know to mock it? Not that Parma is nice, or clean, or non-racist, but I'm just wondering.

The headliner was especially hilarious, as he spent a good part of his act talking about two topics of which I am eerily familiar with: drinking and hangovers. He had this especially funny exchange with himself and a hangover that I have to share.

Guy: Come on, I have shit to do today
Hangover: Correction. You HAD shit to do. Remember the 12 kamikazes at the bar last night? Welcome to my world.

Also, Hit Me Baby One More Time is on tomorrow night, same three categories from last week stand:

Most Popular
Worst Aged
Worst Cover

This weeks artists are priceless as well:

Vanilla Ice
Tommy Tutone
The Knack
The Motels

Eh....this one's not going to be easy....

I'm defnitely voting for Haddaway to win, The Motels as the band that aged the worst, and Vanilla Ice to do the worst cover...ever.....

If anyone has any suggestions for other categories, please let me know....just post it in comments


Anonymous said...

um ... haddaway is covering britney spears, toxic - seriously i don't think i could be more excited to see this.

bevy said...

What is Parma?

And speaking of spoiled, you're starting to sound like one of those 15 yr old girls on My Super Sweet Sixteen. Leather interior? If only all of us could be that blessed.

Anonymous said...

Most Popular: Vanilla Ice Baby!
Worst Aged: The Knack
Worst Cover: Haddaway

I'm so excited!

Kara0303 said...

Most popular: The Knack
Worst Aged: Tommy Tutone
Worst Cover: Vanilla Ice

This week's tough...mostly because I'm not sure what most of these people sang and I'm too lazy to go look it up. So, I'm just going on gut this week.

How about these categories?
Worst Dressed
Band Closest in Height to the Host
Ugliest Spouse