Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Crybaby, Cry

I know everyone has already heard the Tom Cruise squirted by a fake microphone at a British movie premiere story. I have to say, I think it was pretty damn funny. It was also sad, b/c it made Tom look more and more like a homosexual. Couple of quick thoughts on this one:

First of all, Tom, really, it was WATER. I'm pretty sure that you, in all your metro-sexualness, have taken a shower, or come into contact with water before. It's a pretty natural part of our society. However, perhaps because of your Scientology/cult background, you can only accept water that has been 'blessed' by L Ron Hubbard or something.

Secondly, could you have acted like any more of a pansy about it? You called the guy a jerk like 4 times and said something to the effect of "I'm standing here answering your questions, and you do something like that" Tom. Shut. Up. You're not intimidating. You're 5'7, 150 lbs. I think Katie might be able to take you. Besides, the only reason anyone wants to interview you now is to watch you melt down and jump on a couch. I'm surprised you haven't started paying two guys to carry a couch around with you wherever you go just so you have something to jump on when anyone asks you a questiong.

Finally, seriously, your a pansy. Did I mention that? If you were that "mad" why didn't you do something about it? Would Russell Crowe have stood there and done nothing? Doubtful. He probably would have fed the guy his prank mic and laughed about it on Letterman the next day. Take notes, really.

On another note, I finally feel human today after taking a day and a half to recover from my hangover due to Saturday nights' debacle. It's nice to be able to taste food again, let me just state that for the record.

Two other things 14 Days until Las Vegas. I need a name for this trip, a little help please?

Wedding Carousel 2005 continues this weekend, with an episode in Columbus. Open Bar anyone? Sold. Hopefully the trip will include a stop at Frog Bear Wild Boar Bar.


Kara0303 said...

Get a tshirt from the boar bar and we'll compare it to my suck bang blow bar shirt.

Anonymous said...

I want to point out to the internet world, well mostly diane, notice who gordo thanked first on his thank you post. (yes, i'm a couple days behind, i was out of town) gordo, i told you, we broke up saturday. after your little temper tantrum at fb, i realized we should not see each other. stop trying to win me back with kind words. and you do make excellent tomkat points. -steph