Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Surely There Won't Be any Big Hair There

Tonight: Velvet Revolver, 8pm, Tower City Ampitheater.

This is a good one. The half of me that grew up on STP, Guns, and all the other stuff somewhere in between is very excited for this. The half of me that realizes that I'm not 17, and that I get haircuts, and wear clothes that fit wonders why I just shelled out 48 bucks for this. I am curious to see what kind of a crowd it will be tonight. I have a feeling it will be pretty eclectic, but I will guarantee one thing: There will be lots and lots of big hair. You forget, GNR was huge back in the 80s, and to think there won't be a lot of people who never let go of the 80s there, you're crazy. If I could take my camera, I'd gladly take pictures of the fabulousness that is the very PBR oriented GNR crowd. However, I can't, so I will do my best to stay sober and bring you word for word accounts of the specialness. I know you appreciate this.


Anonymous said...

whoa! this means you won't be able to watch the britney-kevin chaotic special at 9. you better use tivo.

Gordon said...

It's already set

Anonymous said...

So wait, GNR is playing in Cleveland tonight, is that what you're saying? That's phenominal. Something every red-blooded American should yearn to see.

Anonymous said...

Make out with Slash for me!

Gordon said...

It might as well be GNR, but w/out Axl....which is kinda lame, but Weiland, and fresh material is a perfectly good substitute...and no, Diane, I am not making out with Slash for you..hor.....

Anonymous said...

Damn it Gordon, take one for the team and just make out with him already!

Kara0303 said...

I hope you're planning on doing a mullet count for us. Business in the front, party in the back! Come on, you know they'll be there! See, some of them do get haircuts - even if it's just the hair around their face and not so much the stringy hair flowing down their back.