Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Quick Thoughts

To the woman in front of me on the highway this morning who was going 50 in a 60 mph zone with noone in front of her: Drive! Seriously. I understand that you're about, oh 107 years old, and that your bridge game isn't till 11, but those of us that will be alive the next time we elect a president have places to be. I understand that you are afraid of technology, and things such as cell phones, setting your VCR, and that crazy internet thing that all the kids are talking about scare you...but seriously..gas pedals have been around for a long time. F'ing use it.

1 comment:

Kara0303 said...

I become a raging maniac when I'm in the car behind someone that's afraid to use the gas pedal. I'm somewhat of a fast driver, and I'm always running late so I know exactly where your frustration is coming from!