Friday, May 20, 2005

Star Wars, Sleep, and Other Returns

Let the Dork Parade begin!

In other words, I went to see Star Wars with Sarah and a big group of our friends. I will say that is quite a good film. I know that there are some people who consider themselves "purists" and say that it wasn't that good, that there was too much CGI, etc. Then again, these are also the same people as the kid who was sitting behind us playing the Star Wars game on his PSP while we were waiting for the movie to start. Lame.

I will say that of the three films, this film does a very good job of really building and explaining what would happen in the original films, and for that I respect the way it was done.

One problem though: The dialogue was terrible, again. Not all of it, just mostly the Padme/Annakin stuff. I don't know if it's the writing, or the fact that Natalie Portman is viscerally annoying.

Other than that, there's another Cleveland Plays party tonight at McCarthy's in Lakewood, I assume I'll be there, but hopefully not as belligerent as the last time. Maybe I'll try eating.

Last night also marked the return of the Divorced Girl into my life. Random. She called and explained that she hasn't been in touch b/c she went into the hospital the night after we last talked with a massive amount of trouble breathing, was there for 5 days, then went to Nashville for 5 days to visit friends, and started her new job the day after she returned. Now, this convienently fills the space between the time I last talked to her and the time she called me this week. She also explained away the phone call from the Bodygaurd (her gay overprotective friend) Saying that while she was in the hospital, her sister (who is friends with this guy as well) had access to her purse and cell phone, and he probably took it while he was drunk and made that call. She followed this by saying that she isn't friends w/the guy anymore, and that she was profusely sorry.

Now, if I hadn't already known this girl for 6 years, I would have politely (or not) told her to F off. Sadly, I'm not that good at tossing away friends, especially when they tell me stuff that is relatively believable. So, for now, we're friends again, and we'll take it from there. If she even thinks that anything more is going to happen anytime soon, she needs t have her head examined.

Screw it, that's enough seriousness for today, I need a cocktail......


Anonymous said...

steph: gordo, be careful. this girl has brought so much drama with her and has only been back in your life a month...where there is smoke...i'm in for tonight happy hour though. i hope alec is there with the fine behind...bring it!

Anonymous said...

natalie portman is amazing.

Gordon said...

Natalie Portman is me....

Steph: Totally aware. We'll discuss over cocktails later on.

Anonymous said...

I want in on this discussion!

Sarah said...

Seriously is Alec coming? Has it been confirmed? He is, as they say, hot as hell.