Friday, May 13, 2005

I Just Threw up in my Mouth

Britney Premiers on Tuesday May 17th.

This is going to be something like white trash heaven. The educated, literate, somewhat upstanding member of society in me wants this to stop before it even happens. Then there's that part of me that just loves this kind of stuff. You know, the part of you that watched Springer back in college, that finds guilty pleasure in the Real World/Road Rules Inferno...that guy can't wait for this.

This quote from Britney says it all.....

"He's the sexiest thing in the world. And he's sensitive. He's a perfect husband. He's awesome."

Really? Was he employed when you met him? Apparently he's a "model/dancer" which I find hard to believe because he's a) unattractive and b) obviously poor.

As for the "perfect husband" thing, maybe Britney should run that by the girl who was pregnant with his baby that he left to be with Britney. She might have a slightly different opinion.....


Anonymous said...

I'm just happy that she's getting fat. It was getting more midrif and I would have lost it!

bevy said...

The guy is hideous. Yuck. I might barf in my own mouth. Maybe the part of you that goes for this celebrity crap should visit This guy features the best tabloid pics of the couple.

Kara0303 said...

You crack me up with your Britney updates. I'm glad she's got someone out there that cares what she's up to. :P

David said...

He is a perfect husband and there are already reports in the paper that she is at home pregnant and he is back in Las Vegas having a good time. Yep...what a guy, she is one lucky woman.