Monday, May 30, 2005

If I Wasn't Drinking, It's Probably Because I was Asleep

That's pretty much the summation of my weekend.


To put it another way:

Wedding Gift $50
Two Nights in a hotel: 150$
Drinking yourself stupid stupid with cousins you haven't seen in 10 years and almost puking on the ride home in the back of your parents SUV? Priceless.

There are somethings in life money can't buy. For everything else, there's family weddings with open bar.

Come to think of it, I think tomorrow morning I'm going to call the hospital, or my doctor, and see about getting on a donor list for a new liver, because I think mine is about to go on strike. That, or I've completely killed it.

But such is life.

The wedding was worth the trip. Again, it was really good to see everyone in my family. It was a smaller affair than what I expected, but totally worth it regardless. Should I get the wherewithall, I may post a couple of pictures from the wedding, but that would require walking into the other room to get my camera and my memory card.

To those that missed out on my posting over the last few days (which, judgingby my statcounter, was about 3 of you) Sorry, I'll work harder to be less drunk. Okay. I just totally lied right there. I won't work harder on being less drunk.

Coming this week:

Me complaining about work,
Me making fun of somebody
Live Running Diary of this week's Chaotic (with Miss Lindsey? Someone get that girl a drink so she'll do it)

Also, is it just me, or is it totally fun to pull out random CD's that you haven't listened to since high school and throw them on just because you know you'll know all of the songs and can just let it play? I've got Razorblade Suitcase by Bush on right now, and it's better than I remember it being.....and yes I'm a total dork.

1 comment:

bevy said...

Getting drunk at a family wedding, who hasn't done that before? Nice.