Monday, April 18, 2005


Okay, the exlamation point probably wasn't necessary, but I'm annoyed. I need to be able to set something up so that I can track how many people have viewed this joint, and also a thing so I can link to everyone else's blog. Oh, and I need a new template, b/c as much as I enjoy Sarah's blog, I don't want mine looking just like hers. I need some "bling" or something for mine. So one of you really smart people out there, fix that up for me. Awesome. Also, if someone could hook me up with about 5 million dollars and a girlfriend that actually wanted to hang out with me, that would be awesome. Granted, if I had the 5 mil, I could probably hook up the second part of that......


Sarah said...

Gordo, log into Blogger and click on your blog name. There will be a tab that says Template. You can choose a new one from there.

For stats you can get a free counter from or Read the instructions on those sites. They will tell you what to do.

For the links, you have to actually put the code into your template. Here are the instructions for how to do that (you have to be logged in to Blogger to get to these):

Let me know if you need anything else. Oh also my blog better be listed first.

bevy said...

Log onto blogger. Click on your blog, click on Template and you'll see all the HTML crap for your blog and know what, I really am not very good at explaining all this technical stuff.

What I did was study other blogs to see how the hell they did it. Say for example midwestgrrl. Go to her blog, right click with your mouse and click on View Source and then you'll be able to see all the HTML codes. I then just copied and pasted it onto my HTML and inserted the names/blogs I wanted.

Hope this helps. I know it can be confusing.

Gordon said...

Thanks, guys, that definitely helps, I'm starting to figure this out, which is defintely better than working. Now all I have to do is think of some way to write things that are relevant/interesting. In other words, my blog still sucks....

bevy said...

Sorry, I have that problem myself. Can't help you there.

John said...

Gordo, what you should do is accidentally hit yourself in the nuts while reaching for the peanut butter and then it falls and you make a wild attempt to grab for it and miss but you succeed in punching your own nads. In that moment, usually a good blog will come to mind. Keep a notebook handy. Or a Trapper Keeper.