Friday, July 29, 2005

Fridays, Natty Light, and Rock n' Roll....

I noticed that yesterday's post was a couple of things. It A) looked like crap b/c I am a complete retard when it comes to using computers, B) Was incredibly non-creative, and C) Was the kind of nostalgic-look-at-me-I'm-so-cute-b/c-I remember-my-childhood post that usually makes me start stabbing a pen through the palm of my hand when I realize that's all I can come up with for the day.

But screw it, my big wheel was pretty f-ing sweet.

Regardless, it's Friday, which as we all know means that I'm happy, and that I will post about a whole lot of nothing, and maybe even throw you a few links today.

Memo to the ceiling fan in my bedroom: When I turn you on, I want a nice air flow, not a 21 gun salute. You're so fucking loud that I had to turn you off to have a prayer of falling asleep last night. It's not that I mind a little bit of noise, but sounding like you are about to come unhinged and fall onto my bed, only to pummel me to death is not the kind of "little bit of noise" that I mean.

Other notes: My internet shopping binge continues forward. I damn near bought an Ipod yesterday, which would be great, b/c I love little electronic toys that do all kinds of good, fun things. (If I hear any vibrator jokes based on that statement, well, I'll probably just laugh, b/c I deserve it)

(Another thought: Would girls buy one of those things with an MP3 Player in it? I wouldn't think so, b/c really, wouldn't it be all muffled anyways? Hell, they put MP3 players in everything else)

Okay, back to the original thought, internet shopping: My Cornhole bags came today, so as soon as I can get the boards built, I'll be enjoying some good old-fashioned Midwest, white trash fun. Also, I found another Eric Metcalf jersey on Ebay, so the saga continues. Plus, I have this incredible urge to hit up and buy t-shirts.

Also: The LVT is now serving Natty Light on tap for 75 cents. This is in many ways a good thing, and in many ways a bad thing. As we all know, I am quite the fan of the cheaply bought beer. However, as I increase in age and lameness, I have become less the fan of the hangover that is brought about by cheap beer in large quantities.

Alright, that's enough for today, you all enjoy your weekend, I'll be down at the Blind Pig tonight to see The Webster's, and of course, drinking. Also, don't forget to check in on Sarah, and vote on whether or not she should do the Date Lance thing. You know, cause it's evil.

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