Monday, August 01, 2005

Another Wasted Summer

I'm actually sitting in a class right now at work, that isn't relevant, interesting, or making any sense to me whatsoever. Thanks to the relatively incompetent nature of my company, I've managed to have an entire day wasted while I sit here, trying to think of a blog topic, and attempting to not give myself paper cuts down the length of my wrists with my note pad.

It also led me to take a good solid 20 minutes straight staring out the window.

Right, staring out a window on a beautiful sunny day in the summer whilst I waste away in an office. Apparently I'm also a masochist. Super.

It's led me to the conclusion that save for a trip to Vegas, and enjoying the weddings of several friends, I haven't done much of anything with this summer that is quickly going to be drifting into the winter soon. It's also gotten me to realize that I've wasted the last 3 summers sitting in this god-awful building, doing this mundane work, and spending too much time complaining and not enough time fixing it. All I ask for is some moderately interesting work, a fun environment, and a little bit of freedom to enjoy myself once in a while if I'm going to be all pent up like this.

Fuck it, who wants to open a bar with me?


bevy said...

Does everyone have the opening up a bar dream? I know I've had this dream for a while, but I always wanted to open one up on a cool beach in Mexico. Maybe someday.

LoneStarCupcake said...

I've had it too - also in Mexico Bev... Puerto Vallarta specifically.

We've already named it: The Stumble Inn.

erl said...

how about a bar in vegas? that sounds perfect.

Gordon said...

A bar in Vegas? Sold. Best idea I've heard in days.