Friday, December 15, 2006

This is the End, my Only Friend, the End.....

My last final ever ended 6 hours ago. I'm done. I have my MBA. I acheived, in spite of those who said I couldn't, who said I wouldn't.

I made it, on my own, of my own volition. To those who tried to stop me, who tried to hurt me along the can't. You won't. You never will. To the people who pretended to care when it was really all about their own personal gain...I know. You're sad, you're fake, and for the garbage pain you've inflicted on me, may you get it back tenfold.


Anonymous said...

Blogger/Google won't let me sign in.

Congrats, Gordo! I'm so proud of you! Now go out and get drunk!

Love, Sarah

Anonymous said...


That's awesome! Isn't it the best feeling to be done! We are proud of you :)

Anonymous said...

The previous comment was from me. I forgot to put my name! Congrats again!