Sunday, December 03, 2006

Apparently sick, as well as Exhausted......

You know how I know I'm depressed?

I spent 40$ at Target. For the second time this week.

Twice you guys. Seriously.

Nothing soothes like buying inane household objects and holiday themed snacky-things.

I mean, really, I spent $40 and got:

DayQuil (b/c I'm sick now)
Tea (ditto)
A Lamp (to replace the one I broke last night in my drunken stupor)
An Orange Crush t-shirt (b/c dorky clothing also cheers me up)
Pizza flavored Goldfish crackers (cause I'm a fatty)
Mint Hershey kisses (see above ref to holiday themed snacks)

And you know what? I don't feel any fucking better. Hopefully the tea will help, at least. It has chamomile. I have no idea what that is, but I want it.


Sarah said...

I refuse to believe that you didn't get at least a small lift in spirit while shopping at Target. It's not possible to shop there and feel completely bad. Hey, Gordo-chin up. I am down in the dumps with you, but things will get better. I know it. Let's go to Target. You will love going with me. I never leave the Christmas area.

Gordon said...

Okay, I admit it, 4 of the 6 things I bought are making me feel better.

Anonymous said...

Since you are in phrase where you don't call or email me (ok a phrase that has lastest for 36, i'm worried about you, you alive???), you need to blog more. -Steph