Thursday, December 28, 2006

Cleaning up

Yeah, I know, again, a week plus without a post. Listen, it took me three days to waddle to my computer after the copious amounts that I ate Sunday, Monday and Tuesday while at home, so tough luck.

It's not like a lot is happening though, it's the end of the year, there hasn't been a darn thing good on TV in a while, everything has been on reruns for the holidays, so I haven't even got anything that's been on to talk about.

Well, except this, maybe:

I don't even have words for this. I know I've made my remarks about Timberlake in the past, and well, I still don't really care for his style of music, but really, this may be the funniest thing I've ever seen.

And yes, I've been watching this instead of finding a job. Classy, I know.

Christmas was pretty standard, which is why I don't have a ton to say about it. We see most of our relatives on Thanksgiving, so Christmas is just me and my parents. In a way it's nice, b/c it's totally low key, and I'm not bouncing around to 9 different houses like some of my friends have to. However, it does mean fewer presents, and we all know how I feel about that. Bad.

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