Friday, October 13, 2006

Holy......(Grey's Spoiler-ish)

It's twelve something, and I just watched the ep, so I'm a little tired right now, so this will be short.

I'm sorry, but, did that guy actually burst into flames? Are you kidding me? I know that was in the first five minutes of the show, but that was enough for me right there. I actually paused the TiVo and just stared at the screen. Creepy

Somehow, I get the feeling that we haven't seen the last of Chris O'Donnell, which in a way is good, b/c after I cursed him showing up at the end of last year, I feel a lot better about him.

Oh, and 8.7 Million? What? Did we at any point know that Denny had money? Did I completely miss this in an episode from last year?

That being said, it was creepy/really well done how they tied his phone message/monologue thing in with some of the things happening in the show.

And for her sake, I hope that Callie doesn't sleep with McSteamy, unless it means George gets to punch him in the face too......

Oh, and on a completely unrelated note, the Cards lost 2-0, in case anyone missed it. If they lose Friday night with Carpenter on the hill, I'm officially on suicide watch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have you thought about getting a girlfriend?? LOL....j/k