Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Nothing Wrong Except......

Apparently, Brittney's kid keeps garnering visits from Child Services......

An excerpt from the story:

Spears' attorney, Martin Singer, said in a statement that the hospital made a report to the Department of Children and Family Services as required by state law.

"DCFS immediately responded and determined there was no problem and no reason to open a formal investigation. They determined that the parents weren't involved in the injury and nothing was improper within the home," he said

Nothing wrong, except for the corn rowed, no talent, chain smoking white boy that claimed to be the father.

Two visits from Child Services before the kid hits the 6 month mark? Nice work, Brit.

Granted, if I was Child Services, I'd have someone sitting outside that house FBI survellience style pretty much all the time. But that's just me.

These guys are starting to make Courtney Love look like a competent parent. Just kidding. She's still completely batshit crazy.

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