Monday, April 24, 2006

Karma Strikes Back

Or my back, or whatever.

So, after making fun of Paul for breaking his finger after 5 minutes of basketball, and the usual mocking of Sarah for getting punched in the face playing football, karma decided to get it's revenge on me.

Actually it got revenge on my back. Painfully I might add. Now mind you, I've had a bad back pretty much all of my adult life, mostly because I have an extra vertebre, or one grew down lower into my body than it was supposed to. I really don't remember, but when I went to the chiropracter a couple of years ago, and they took X-rays, that's what was determined. I've really done a number on it a coupl eof times. Once in college, once about 2 years ago, and then Saturday.

Apparently, at the age of 27, being in the relatively lousy shape (mind you, I'm not in awful awful shape, but definitely the worst I've been), and playing football at 9 am on a Saturday is a bad combination.
Let's just say that the injury in question involved an interception by me (patting myeslf on the back) a short return, and a spin move (pulling a muscle or something in said back).
Oh, and it's our touch football league. For some reason I decided to pull out a spin move in TOUCH football. The lesson here? I'm retarded.
So, I spent most of yesterday on my back, not moving, and cringing every time I had to get up. Good times


bevy said...

I'm sure you'll be back on your feet soon, pun completely intended.

Anonymous said... are telling me, that you are stuck, lying on your back, just there for the taking, basically defenseless to my advances and I'm 3000 miles away? Dammit, my job is ruining my life! -Steph

Sarah said...

What's up with getting hurt in touch football? What is wrong with us? have an extra vertebrae? How come I never knew this? I predict this to be the source of many jokes to come. Prepare yourself.