Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Don't Call it A Comeback

All LL references aside, I haven't been intentionally neglecting my blog.

Sadly, I've gotten really busy at work over these past few weeks.

And by busy, I mean that my work area is within a direct line of sight of a superior's office. Which tends to limit my blogging and/or internet surfing. Trust me, internets, I aplogize for this transgression against slacking. We all know it's not what I intended.

So, what have I been up to? You mean other than staking out and plotting the severe beating of my dry cleaners?

Ouch, well, here's the sad part. Not much.

Somehow, my employer has managed to find ways to keep me pretty busy with work, which is fine for now, until I get truly overwhelmed. And by overwhelmed, I mean having to fix mistakes made by people with slightly lower IQ's than my toaster.

Accomplished in the last 2 weeks:

1) Went to the Browns home opener, which was fun, except for the losing part, and the sunburn part. This day also kinda sorta lost some semblance of control when Bob and I were walking from one end of the parking lot back towards our cars at about Noon time, when we saw an RV with a sign on the side that sad "Come do a Shot for Martha's Birthday"

Surprisingly, we totally fell for it. We figured, hey, middle of a Sunday morning, middle aged people, what's the worst that can happen.

A shot of Wild Turkey apiece later, we realized what could go wrong. Needless to say, I spent most of the first half being beligirant. But I didn't get arrested, which is a bonus.

2) I have some how ended up training some of the newer people in my department. Being that I have been in this department for all of 3 weeks, I can't say that this was a good call by the powers that be. It's more the equivalent of asking a guy with one leg to run the first leg of a relay race. It'll get done, but all I'm doing is leaving everyone really far behind.

3) Realized that I must be in some semblance of a relationship. Megan and I have been dating for a couple of months now, so that was inevitable, but I realized it when I got in my shower Sunday morning and saw a razor that I didn't recognize. It was blue, and had all kinds of little curves and grippy things on it. (it had a razor blade on it, otherwise I might have thought it was something else) Needless to say, that woke me up a bit. Her leaving a toothbrush there I had adjusted to, that's just practical, but the razor? Whatever. I'll live with it, but if a box of feminine hygiene products shows up in my linen closet anytime soon, I may have to draw the line.


bevy said...

Glad to hear from you. For a while I thought you were seriously hurt or dead. Anyway, I can't believe guys really freak out about things like a razor being left behind.

Unknown said...

Don't worry, Gordon. She'll slyly disguise them and store them under the bathroom sink or something. The best is leaving underwear at a boyfriends' place. Until you see his roommate wearing them on his head and then it's not fun.

Sarah said...

It's not a comeback if you don't actually come back. That's all I'm saying.