Friday, August 11, 2006


I'm pretty much an all-star when it comes to putting things off. For whatever reason, I've always worked a lot better under pressure. I always put off studying to the last possible second. Take today, for example. I don't have anything specific to do all day, so you'd think I'd be doing my homework for my Monday classes, working on my individual and group projects, and generally taking care of business, right?

Yeah, no.

Instead, I've been sorting through stuff on my desk, cleaning, doing laundry, watching my TiVo'd recording of last nights Browns preseason game, and now, playing on the internet.

Why can't I motivate myself to do school work? Lack of interest? Check. Adult ADD? Check. The fact that it's beautiful outside, and sitting on the porch listening to a Jack Johnson bootleg is about 1000X cooler than macroeconomics? Check.

Speaking of Macroecononmics. I think this is one the generally younger generation of the internet can appreicate. That class starts at 6:30, so I have a routine. I get there about 20 after, drop my books, run to use the rest room, and grab something to drink out of the vending machine. On Monday, somehow, I got caught in a conversation with someone from an old class, and didn't make it in until 6:32. The professor, in front of everyone, asks to see me at the break. At the break he says "I'd really appreciate it if you could be here when I start" What???? I was TWO minutes late. Besides, he's NEVER on time. Additionally, I'm PAYING to be there. So if I want to miss two minutes of his babbling? Guess what? It's on my dime. I didn't make a sound when I came in, no one looked at me, and I sit in the back, so I was in no way disruptive. Besides, to call me out in front of the class? Classy. Really.

Oh, by the way, Happy Birthday Sharda, I'll see you and everyone else at the Map Room tonight! That should be fun, to say the least.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate those power-hungry profs who hold their authority over your head. Now that I am taking meeting with VPs a lot, you should see how late those a-holes all come to meetings in the business world...
