Thursday, December 01, 2005

Holy Crap


I posted a total of once last month.
I told you guys I was an underacheiver.

It's pathetic that I haven't posted more often, especially considering that I haven't been especially busy at work.
Again, look at the title of this joint, are you surprised that nothings happening with it???? Didn't think so.
The sad part is, I've actually done stuff in the last month. I went to Chicago (maybe I'll put a couple of those pictures up soon) went home for Thanksgiving, and I'm going to a Browns game this weekend (sobriety what?)

On the negative, I have to attend a company Christmas party tomorrow night for the girlfriend, which is essentially 5 hours of waiting to be the DD, sitting around not knowing anyone, and being bored out of my simple, simple mind.

I'll try to post more frequently, now that my semester is winding down, and I've decided I hate the world even more, I should have plenty to talk about.

In light of that, I happened to be reading a story online today about how the Pope is talking about abolishing the concept of limbo. What? Can he do that? I thought that the word of the Lord was intended to be taken seriously. Apparently, when it comes to evolution vs. creation, there's no flexibility, but limbo, well hey, people aren't a fan of it? I guess we can work with it. It's like that South Park where Stan almost gets convinced to write a new book of Scientology, which is all made up, of course.

Of course, they're calling it "describing the fate of innocents in a different way" Are they suddenly going to send them all to Heaven? Someone should let them in on that. That's totally like upgrading to first class from coach.

And why do I care, being that I'm not religious. I don't know. I just thought it was funny.

Also, I've come to realize that I share Sarah's obseession with Grey's Anatomy. I also share other Sarah's obsession with Sudoku. It's kinda like crack

But I still think Lost sucks.

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